Thomas & Thomas Flyrods
Capt. Paul is the founder of this organization
"Our mission is to restore Atlantic and Gulf menhaden populations to levels that can sustain their vital ecological role and support robust recreational fisheries "
Capt. Paul is on the executive board of this organization
Gotham Whale - Marine Research & Conservation in NYC
"He has had numerous up-close encounters with marine mammals and has introduced many people to the wonders of Humpback whales and bottlenose dolphins during his whale-watching trips in the NY Bight "
Capt. Paul is on the executive board of this organization
Jersey Coast Anglers Association
"JCAA is involved with issues concerning our marine environment, such as fighting for better fisheries habitat, keeping our waters clean, and protecting our forage species while supporting an ecosystem-based management approach."
Capt. Paul is the Marine Affairs Officer for NWF/Anglers for Offshore Wind Power
To hunters, anglers, hikers, birders, wildlife watchers, boaters, climbers, campers, cyclists, gardeners, farmers, forest stewards, and other outdoor enthusiasts, this conservation ethic represents a sacred duty and obligation to protect and build upon our conservation heritage for the sake of wildlife, ourselves, our neighbors, and—most of all—for future generations.
Waters | National Wildlife Federation